Commercial Pharma

The spencer SmartHub helps pharmaceutical companies avoid costly misfires from a poor experience among patients and prescribers.

The in-home spencer device has been shown to improve patient engagement, which is the starting point for helping patients stay on therapy, ultimately leading to a more positive patient experience and greater commercial acceptance.

spencer’s dual focus on engagement and adherence helps pharmaceutical companies meet a significant challenge – how to support patients after the prescription has been written.

Become a Spencer-Certified Pharmacy Today

As more commercial pharmaceutical companies invest in digital health technologies and patient engagement strategies, solutions that do more than dispense pills are becoming critical to program success. Now is a good time to take a look at the spencer SmartHub.

Our platform can support your patients through increased medication adherence, improved patient engagement, and detailed RWE. We even have a pilot program to show you how effective spencer can be. Reach out and let’s start a conversation.

Dispense medications
Meds on the Go
Collect answers to ePRO
Link with patients by telehealth
Access real-time clinical insights

97% Medication Adherence*

With engaging reminders and simple dispensing, it’s easier for patients to take their medications.

90% Patient Engagement*

Patients answer health status questions by touchscreen providing better visibility into adherence.

* As reported in 2022 Spencer Health Solutions’ commercial pharmaceutical programs and patient populations.

Real-World Evidence Support

The spencer SmartHub supplies the real-world data necessary to support successful clinical trial findings.

Its touch screen engagement surveys are easy for patients to take from the comfort of their homes, while also providing clinicians and researchers with reliable data collected in near real-time.

Real-Time Insights

The spencer SmartHub continuously collects data — actively through dispensing schedule recordings and survey responses, and passively through Bluetooth-enabled devices that collect health data, such as blood pressure and glucose levels.

The data is collected and sent to the spencerCloud, which can be easily accessed through the spencerCare platform or delivered via API.

Telehealth Connections

spencer’s telehealth functionality is the lifeline that can connect patients and clinical teams, making it easy to address patient questions or concerns. Telehealth helps improve patient engagement and potentially reduce the number of in-person office or clinic visits.

Opening Packaging

Easy-to-Use Packaging

Spencer Health Solutions works with a variety of retail and specialty pharmacies to quickly and efficiently participate in commercial pharmaceutical programs where increased patient medication adherence is achievable.

And patients love our easy-to-open pill packs!

Complex Titration Capabilities

The spencer SmartHub can accommodate a variety of complicated dosing schedules – scheduled titrations and otherwise. Whether it’s timed titrations in one refill kit, one refill kit per dose strength, or any other required titration, we will accommodate the prescription written by the HCP.

In-Depth Daily Data

In-Depth Daily Data

spencer’s data collection and analysis capabilities help meet commercial data-gathering requirements. The depth of data from the spencerCloud gives your team real-time insights to support patients and study analysis.

Erica Smith

Erica Smith

Sr. VP, Business Development & Marketing

office: +1-866-971-8564